
Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • 2 Power Cleans from below the knee


Today’s strength is power cleans from below the knee. At the top of every minute, for 10-minutes, you will perform 2 reps. You may build throughout the 10-minutes, or stay at the same weight across all sets.

Begin with a clean deadlift, then lower through position 1, 2, and continue to just below the knee where you will perform the clean. Focus on making sure the knees get out of the way for a vertical bar path, and then drive straight up through extension.


Every 5:00 for 4 rounds:

  • 25 Russian Kettlebell Swings
  • 15-20 Calories
  • 15 Box Jumps


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of kettlebell swings, calories, and box jumps. Your score is the slowest of the 4 rounds.

The kettlebell swings can be challenging, but ideally done in one set. Because they are Russian swings, you can use a slightly heavier bell than you would otherwise.

The calories should take no more than 1:30 to complete. Adjust the number of calories accordingly.

The box jumps should be done to a height that you know you will safely complete every rep no matter how tired you are and you do not hesitate between reps.