
2 Sets:

  • Max -1 Strict Pull Ups
  • Rest :20
  • Max Strict Pull Ups
  • Rest :20
  • Max Strict Pull Ups

Rest 3:00 between sets


Today’s strength is strict pull ups. You will begin with a set of strict pull ups, stopping 1 rep shy of failure. After :20 of rest, you will hop back up to the bar and complete as many strict pull ups as possible. After another :20 of rest, perform one more max effort set of strict pull ups. You will then rest 3:00 and complete the above one more time.

If you do not have at least 5 strict pull ups, you may perform the same format with ring rows or band assisted pull ups.


Every 6:00 for 2 rounds:

  • 42-30-18 Jumping Lunges
  • 21-15-9 Hand-release Push Ups

4:30 Time cap each round


Today’s conditioning is 2 rounds of jumping lunges and hand-release push ups. There is a 4:30 time cap on each round. Your score is either the slower of the two times or the lower number of reps completed under the time cap each round.

Ensure you are maintaining a soft touch of the knee each rep. If you cannot maintain a soft touch of the knee, switch to reverse lunges.

The hand-release push ups should be completed in no more than 3 sets during the sets of 21 and 15. Adjust the number of reps or elevate your hands on a bench or a box.