
Complete 3-4 rounds not for time:

  • 10 V-Ups
  • 10 Hollow Rocks
  • :10 Hollow Hold

Rest as needed between rounds


Today’s strength is 3-4 rounds of v-ups, hollow rocks, and a hollow hold. The intention is to complete the exercises continuously with no break, but you may rest as needed between rounds.

You may adjust the v-ups by performing tuck ups.

If you cannot maintain a good position during the hollow rocks or hollow hold, tuck one or both legs in and/or bring your arms by your sides. Remember, we want your lower back to be pressed into the ground the whole time.


5 Rounds

In 2:00:

  • 8 Single Arm Devil Press
  • Max Dumbbell Box Step Ups in remaining time

Rest 1:00


Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of devil press and box step ups. In the 2-minute work window you will complete 8 single arm devil press and then, with the remaining time, complete as many step ups as you can. Your score is the total number of step ups completed across the 5 rounds.

The devil press should be performed with a weight that allows you to complete the 8 reps continuously. Remember to pull the chest up after you hop up out of your burpee before completing the ground to overhead.

The step ups should be performed with the dumbbell that you are using for your devil press. You may hold the dumbbell however you want. You must alternate legs each rep.