At Home Conditioning
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:
- 5 Strict Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Air Squats
- 20 Box Jump Step Down
- 25 Sit Ups
Today’s conditioning is 20 minutes of movements that should allow you to move consistently for the entire time. Your score is how many rounds and reps you complete in the 20 minutes.
The strict pull ups should be done unbroken. You may adjust the number. If you do not have a pull up bar, perform 5 heavy rows on each arm.
The push ups should also be done in one set. You can elevate your hands, if needed, to stay unbroken.
Make sure you are moving through a full range of motion during your air squats. It is easy to cut the range when you are trying to move fast through air squats. Open up your hips and fully extend your knees at the top.
The box jumps should be done to a height that you will not hesitate between jumps. If you do not have a stable surface to jump on top of, find something you can jump over.
If you are concerned about getting too sore from the overall sit up volume, adjust the number of reps. If you do not have an abmat, roll up a sweatshirt and place that under your lower back.
Track Workout
3 sets:
- 500m at mile pace + :09 / 400m
- Rest 1:00
- 300m at mile pace + :05 / 400m
- Rest 1:00
- 200m at mile pace
Rest 4:00 between sets
Today’s track workout is three sets of three intervals that get progressively faster. Think of these as moderate, fast, and faster intervals.