At Home Strength

3 Sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 6:00

  • 10 Cleans
  • 10 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 10 Broad Jumps (4ft / 3ft)
  • 15/12 Calories or 200m Run

Rest 4:00 between sets


Today’s conditioning is 3 sets of 6-minutes of work with 4:00 rest between sets. Your score will be the number of rounds and reps you complete each set.

The cleans can be any style: dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell, seabag, sandbag, etc. Don’t let these take longer than 1:00 to complete. Check out this video for some different variations.

The shoulder to overhead may also be any style. Choose a weight that is moderately challenging, but you can maintain sets of 10 for at least 3 rounds. Check out this video for some different variations.

The broad jumps will be completed with a two foot take off and two foot landing. Men will jump a minimum distance of 4 feet and women will jump a minimum distance of 3 feet. Adjust to a distance that you can manage for repeated jumps while fatigued.

The calories or run should take no longer than 1:00. Adjust the number of calories or distance accordingly.

Track Workout


  • 2000m at mile pace + :15/400m, 3min rest,
  • 400m at mile pace + :05/400m, 4min rest,
  • 1200m at mile pace + :15/400m, 3min rest,
  • 400m at mile pace + :05/400m, 4min rest,
  • 800m at mile pace + :15/400m, 3min rest,
  • 400m at mile pace + :05/400m


Today’s track workout is a descending ladder at a moderate pace with a 400m interval at a moderate-fast pace between each effort. Stay consistent on the longer efforts and try not to go too fast on the 400s and burn out for the following longer efforts.