At Home Strength

Turkish Get Ups

  • Complete 7 reps on each arm


For strength today, we’ll be doing turkish get ups. You can use whichever weight you feel comfortable with but make sure you warm up with the moderate weight before jumping right to the heavy one. Be deliberate with each step of the movement and don’t rush these. Rest as needed between reps.

Take a look at this video on how to do a turkish get up with a seabag.

At Home Conditioning

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:

  • 400m Run
  • 10 Strict Pull Ups or 10 Bent Over Rows


Today’s workout is a 20 minute time priority. Your score will be how many rounds and reps you complete.

The runs should take about 2:30 or less. If you are not certain how far 400m is on your street, you can run out for 1:00 and run back for 1:00. Note how far you ran in round one and then run to that same mark for the rest of the workout.

The pull ups today are meant to be done strict. No swinging or kipping is allowed. Don’t let these take longer than 1:00 each round. If you do not have a pull up bar, grab a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell and perform 10 bent over rows on each arm.