

4 Sets:

  • 5-20 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
  • 5-20 Butterfly Pull Ups

Rest 60s between exercises


  • 10-15 L-Seated Dumbbell Press + 10-20s Headstand or Angled Wall Hold
  • 5-20 Kipping Pull Ups (if you have 5+ strict pull ups)
  • 5-20 Kip Swing (if you do not have 5+ strict pull ups)


Every minute, on the minute, for 20:00:

  1. Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 3-5
  2. Ring Dip x 3-5
  3. Chest to Ring Ring Row x 5-7
  4. Inchworm Sidewalk x 10-15 steps per side


  1. Pull Up Negative as slow as possible x 1-3
  2. Ring Dip with feet on floor x 3-5

Optional Independent Work

3 Sets:

  • 8-12 Dumbbell Shoulder External Rotation
  • 15 Skull Crushers @ 30X0
  • 10 Windmill per arm