Every minute, on the minute, for 10:00, alternate between:
- 3-5 Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups with a 1s pause in the tripod
- 5 Strict Chest to Ring Pull Ups with a 1s pause at the top and bottom
Every minute, on the minute, for 20:00, alternate between:
- 3-5 Dips on boxes with 1s pause in the bottom
- 3 Muscle Up Transition Drills
- 5 Jump to Ring Support with 1-2s pause in support position
- 3-5 Kipping pull Ups with 1s pause at the top
Scaling Options
- Dips with feet on the floor
- Ring Row with 1s pause at the chest
- Extended Arm support on boxes
- Kip Swing
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- 8-12 Sidelying Dumbbell External Rotations
- 18 Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions @ 30X0
- 3 Turkish Get-Ups each side