

Every minute, on the minute, for 10:00, alternate between:

  1. 3-5 Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups with a 1s pause in the tripod
  2. 5 Strict Chest to Ring Pull Ups with a 1s pause at the top and bottom


Every minute, on the minute, for 20:00, alternate between:

  1. 3-5 Dips on boxes with 1s pause in the bottom
  2. 3 Muscle Up Transition Drills
  3. 5 Jump to Ring Support with 1-2s pause in support position
  4. 3-5 Kipping pull Ups with 1s pause at the top

Scaling Options

  1. Dips with feet on the floor
  2. Ring Row with 1s pause at the chest
  3. Extended Arm support on boxes
  4. Kip Swing

Optional Independent Work

3 Sets:

  • 8-12 Sidelying Dumbbell External Rotations
  • 18 Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions @ 30X0
  • 3 Turkish Get-Ups each side