
Working in teams of 3, complete 3 rounds of time:

  • 40-50 Calories on two machines
  • 15m DB Front Rack Walking Lunge Relay
  • 200m Run together
  • 15 Synchronized Burpees

30-minute time cap


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of calories, lunges, running, and burpees done in a team of 3. You will start with two team members each on a machine working towards 40-50 calories on both machines. You may switch as needed. Once both monitors read 40-50 calories, partner 1 will complete a 15m dumbbell front rack walking lunge, then partner 2 will lunge, then partner 3 will lunge. Then all team members will run 200m together. Finally, all team members will complete 15 synchronized burpees together. Then complete 2 more rounds. Your score is the time to complete 3 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 30-minute cap.

The calories should take no longer than 3-minutes. Adjust the target accordingly.

The lunges should be done with a moderate weight. You should be able to complete the 15m unbroken each round.

The run should take no longer than 1:15. Adjust the distance as needed.

The burpees should take no longer than 1:30. The rep is considered synchronized when all athletes have chests and thighs on the ground at the same time, as well as a jump and clap hands at the same time.