With a partner, in 30:00 complete:
- 80-100 Calories
- 100 Double Unders (each at the same time)
- 80-100 Calories
- 75 Double Unders (each at the same time)
- 80-100 Calories
- 50 Double Unders (each at the same time)
In remaining time:
- Build to a heavy power clean
Today’s workout is completed with a partner. There are two scores today. The first score is your time to complete the calories and double unders. The second score is the sum total of your power clean.
Each set of calories should take no longer than 5-minutes. Adjust the target number accordingly.
The double unders should take no longer than 1:30 for the set of 100, 1:00 for the set of 75, and :45 for the set of 50. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.
When you finish the chipper, you will then have the remaining time to find a heavy single power clean.