
With a partner, complete for time:

  • 100 Wall Balls (opwaat)*
    • *Other partner must hang from bar for reps to count
  • 100 Kettlebell Swings (opwaat)**
    • **Other partner must hold a handstand for reps to count
  • 70-100 Calories (opwaat)
  • 100 Kettlebell Swings (opwaat)**
    • **Other partner must hold a handstand for reps to count
  • 100 Wall Balls (opwaat)*
    • *Other partner must hang from bar for reps to count

30:00 time cap


Today’s workout is done with a partner. One person will start working on the set of 100 wall balls. The other partner must be hanging from a pull up bar for reps to count. You may switch as needed. Then, you will complete the 100 kettlebell swings.The other partner must be holding a handstand for reps to count. Then you will complete 70-100 calories, switching as needed. Then work back through the swings and wall balls following the same rules as before.

The wall ball should be a weight that allows you to complete sets of 10 with quick breaks.

If you struggle to hang from the pull up bar, hold the bottom of a ring row.

The kettlebell should be a weight that allows you to complete sets of 10 with quick breaks.

If you are not comfortable completely inverting, hold an angled wall hold or the top of a push up.

The calories should take no longer than 5-minutes. Adjust the target number accordingly.