Schedule Update

We will be reducing our class offerings next Monday in observance of the 4th of July. The schedule will be as follows:
  • 0800 Open Gym
  • 0930 CrossFit


With a partner, alternate full rounds and complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00:

  • 1 Power Clean
  • 10 Wall Balls
  • 7-10 Calories


Today’s workout is done with a partner. You will alternate full rounds for 30-minutes. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

The power clean should be heavy, but you know you won’t miss a rep.

Challenge yourself to use a heavier wall ball since the sets are small. You should still be able to complete the 10 reps unbroken throughout the workout.

The calories should be fast. Don’t spend longer than :30 on the machine.