
Working in a team of 3, complete for time:

  • 70-100 Calories (on two machines)
  • 21 Rope Climbs (one person working at time)
  • 42 Synchronized Burpees (two people working at a time)
  • 35-50 Calories (on two machines)
  • 15 Rope Climbs (one person working at time)
  • 30 Synchronized Burpees (two people working at a time)
  • 18-25 Calories (on two machines)
  • 9 Rope Climbs (one person working at time)
  • 18 Synchronized Burpees (two people working at a time)

30:00 time cap


Today’s workout is to be done in teams of 3. All three teammates will rotate on two machines until both monitors read 70-100. Then you will accumulate 21 rope climbs with one person working at a time. Then, your team will accumulate 42 synchronized burpees with two people working at a time, subbing in and out as needed. Continue this pattern for 3 rounds, although the reps decrease each round. Your score is the time to complete all reps.

If you can maintain a pace of at least 20 calories/minute on both machines, aim for the higher end of the range. If you cannot maintain at least 15 calories per minute, lower the target number even further.

The rope climbs should take no longer than 7-minutes to complete the 21. If you cannot maintain a pace of at least 3/minute, adjust the number of reps. Here is a good test to show that you have enough confidence on the rope to climb to the top safely.

Aim to maintain a pace of at least 12 burpees per minute. If you cannot maintain that pace, lower the rep scheme.