
With a partner, complete for time:

  • 1750-2000m Row (or 3500-4000m Bike) (each and at the same time)
  • 50 Clean and Jerks
  • 100 Double Unders (each and at the same time)
  • 50 Power Snatches

30:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a chipper to be completed with a partner. You will start by rowing 1750-2000m or biking 3500-4000m each on your own machine. Once you are both finished, you will start working on 50 clean and jerks, where only one person may work at a time. Then perform 100 double unders each and you may both work at the same time. Then finally perform 50 power snatches with only one person working at a time.

Your score is the total time to complete the work or the number of reps completed under the 30-minute time cap.

The row should take no longer than 8:30. Adjust the distance if needed and try to finish the row at around the same time as your partner.

The clean and jerks should be a light-moderate weight that allows you and your partner to complete quick singles back and forth. Try to use the same weight for your power snatches with the same strategy.

Don’t let the double unders take more than 2:00 to complete. Adjust the number or perform single unders. Try to finish around the same time as your partner.