With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 27:00:
- 7 Pull Ups
- 8 Push Ups
- 9 Hang Power Cleans
Every 3:00 both partners run 200m (including at 0:00)
Today’s conditioning is 27 minutes of pull ups, push ups, and hang power cleans. At the top of every 3:00, including at the start of the workout, both partners will run 200m. When you are working through the push ups, pull ups, and cleans, you will alternate every movement. In other words, partner 1 completes 7 pull ups, partner 2 then does 8 push ups, then partner 1 does 9 hang power cleans, then partner 2 does 7 pull ups…
Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.
The runs should take around 1:00 to complete each time. Adjust the distance accordingly.
The pull ups should be done in 1 set. Any style is acceptable. You may substitute ring rows or jumping pull ups.
The push ups should be completed in 1 set every round. Elevate your hands if needed.
The hang power cleans should be light and unbroken every round.