
With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00:

  • 300m Run
  • 5 Hang Power Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Thrusters


Today’s conditioning is 30-minutes of running, hang power cleans, front squats, and thrusters to be done with a partner. Partner 1 will complete the run, hang power cleans, front squats, and thrusters, then rest while partner 2 completes a round. Continue alternating in this pattern until 30-minutes has expired. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed between you and your partner.

The run should take no longer than 1:30 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly.

All of the hang power cleans, front squats, and thrusters should be completed without putting the weights down. Whether you are using a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells, aim to complete the 15 reps unbroken throughout the workout.