Working in teams of 4:

Each team will use 15 minutes to establish a max clean (score is combined max lifts)

Rest 5 minutes

Gather the following equipment:

Kettlebell (53/35)
Wallball (20/14)
Hammer (10/8)
Sandbag (50)

On “3-2-1-go” pick up all the equipment.
All equipment must stay off the ground until it is not longer needed.
Example: After the 100 hammer strikes, the hammer can be discarded.
There is a 10 burpee penalty for all team members for letting equipment touch the ground early. All equipment must stay off the ground during the burpee penalty as well.

Complete the following:

  • 100 Hand Release Push-ups
  • 100 Hammer strikes on tire
  • 100 Sit-ups
  • 100 Wall Ball
  • 100 Squats
  • 100 KB Swings
  • 800m Sandbag run (all team members must run)
  • 100 Pull-ups

Two people can work at a time (depending on the movement e.g. one hammer = one person working; push-ups two can work)

Atomic Teamer