
1A) weighted* strict pull up x 8-10 x 3
1B) alternating SA arm DB bench x 8-10/arm x 3

2A) DB pull over x 10-12 x 2
2B) straight arm banded lat pull over x 15 x 2 w/ a 1 s pause


We are doing two upper body supersets for todays strength. You will start by doing 3 sets of 8-10 strict pull ups and 3 sets of 8-10/arm single arm dumbbell bench presses. You will alternate between these movements, resting as needed. You will then move to 2 sets of 10-12 dumbbell pull overs and 15 straight arm banded pull overs.

On any movement with a rep range you will aim for the top end of the rep range on each set. If you are able to complete this, make the movement harder the following week. If you have to stop short of the top end of the rep range on any set, do not make any changes the following week and aim to get all of the reps then.

If you get 3×10 unassisted strict pull ups you can add weight. If you were using any accommodations to perform the reps, try to lessen those accommodations next week.

Pull ups can be made easier in several ways. If you have some strict pull ups but not 8-10, you can do a few pullups without failing any reps and then immediately finish the set with challenging ring rows. Alternatively, you can use a band for assistance.

If you can not do any pullups or cannot get 8-10 reps with a band, consider performing 2-3 pull ups negatives at the slowest tempo you can maintain throughout the entire range of motion. You can use a box under your feet for assistance if necessary.


4 rounds for time
8 ttb
16 push ups
32 double unders

*11 minute cap*


The workout today is four rounds of toe to bar, push ups, and double unders. Your score is the total time it takes to complete the four rounds, or the reps completed at the 11 minute time cap.

Toe to bar should be done in 1-2 sets across the workout. You may substitute hanging knee raises, V-ups, or sit ups.

Push ups should be done in 1-3 sets, with position and technique being paramount. Elevate your hands as necessary to maintain good positions and stay within the intended stimulus.

Double unders should take no longer than :25. You can decrease the number of double unders or substitute single unders.