

3-5 sets of 1-2 reps @ 11×1 tempo

Perform 8-10 prone shoulder flexion raises between working sets


Perform all working sets at the same weight. If you have been consistent with deadlifting during this cycle then you may aim for singles today, though they should be a repeatable weight, NOT a 1rm attempt. You will have a chance to build to a single heavy set next week.

If you have not been as consistent this cycle with deadlifting then aim for sets of 2 today to keep the intensity slightly lower.

11×1 means these will be dead stop reps where you will ensure you have created tension by pulling the slack out of the bar at the bottom of each rep. Dropping the bar from lockout will be considered a no rep. However, you do not need to slow the tempo down on the descent. Simply let gravity do the work while you maintain proper posture and a full grip on the bar.


For time

30 wall balls
20 deadlifts
20 burpees over the bar
15 chest to bar or 10 muscle ups
20 burpees over the bar
20 deadlifts
30 wall balls

15 min cap


Today’s workout is a pyramid chipper of wall balls, deadlifts, burpees over the bar, and chest to bar pull ups. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the work completed at the 15 minute time cap.

Your wall ball weight should allow you to complete the wall balls in sets of at least 12-15.

The deadlift weight should be light-moderate. Aim to complete the deadlifts in 2-3 sets on either end.

The burpees over the bar should not take longer than 1:45 on either end of the chipper. You may decrease the number of burpees to 15 or do regular burpees.

Break up the chest to bar pull ups as necessary. You are welcome to challenge yourself to do 10 bar or ring muscle ups as well. It will probably be best to do these in smaller sets to avoid failure. The goal is to use a more challenging modification than you would for chin over bar pull ups. You have many different scaling options: regular pull ups, banded chest to bar, banded chin over bar pull ups, or jumping chest to bar pull ups.