
Turkish Get Ups

build up to a heavy weight (possibly PR) and get 2-4 reps per side. Then get 1-2/side at a lighter weight

forward fold with shoulder extension 5 reps + :05-:15 hold on last rep after every 2-3 TGU reps/side

Forward fold with shoulder extension 5 reps + :05-:15 hold on last rep


Start light on the TGU to warm up with movement. do 1-2 reps/side as you build and 2-4/side at your heaviest weight. Then do 1-2 reps/side at a lighter weight as a drop set.

Ensure you are maintaining a full lockout of the elbow and active shoulders in the support hold.

To make the forward fold with shoulder extension more challenging you can bring the hands closer together. The same principal applies to bring the feet closer together as opposed to being in a standing straddle. You can also experiment with both pronating and supinating the hands. If you are very tight, start with wide legs and a wide grip and work your way closer as your flexibility improves.


10 rounds

10-12 calories
3 wall walks

15 min cap


Today’s workout is 10 rounds for time of calories and wall walks. Your score is the time it takes to complete all 10 rounds or the reps completed at the 15 minute cap.

The calories should take no longer than :40 or so. If this sounds aggressive for 10 rounds, you can decrease the number of calories to 8-10. Wall walks should take no longer than :40.

You may lower the number of wall walks or modify the height of the wall walk. These rounds will go by quickly. Be sure to pace in the beginning rounds to avoid too much fatigue in later rounds.