Every 9:00 x 4
500m row/1000 m bike (should be 90% effort)
16 KB snatches
10 burpee box jump overs
Today’s metcon is four intervals of rowing or biking, sit ups, and burpee box jump overs. Your score will be the slowest interval.
The 500 m row or 1000 m bike erg should be done at a 90% effort. You should decide your goal pace prior to the workout and try to stick with that pace across the intervals, and it should be somewhere between 1:45-2:00. If any range in these paces sounds unattainable, decrease the distance to 300-350 m (rower) or 650-750 m (bike erg). The goal here is intensity.
Kettlebell snatches should be done at a smooth pace and unbroken. You can choose a light moderate weight.
Burpee box jump overs should be done to a height that you will not hesitate on. As always, if you are worried about tripping, you can step on the box. They should be done in less than a minute. If this sounds unreasonable, you can decrease the reps to 8 burpee box jump overs.