
20-25 calories
15 V-ups or 20 sit ups
12 KB box step overs
60 double unders


The workout today is a 25 minute AMRAP of calories, V-ups, KB box step overs, and double unders. Your score will be your rounds and reps that you complete within the 25 minutes.

Your calories should take no longer than about 90 seconds. If this sounds like an aggressive pace to hold across the workout then consider lowering the calories to 17-20.

The step overs should be done in 1-2 sets across the workout. Choose a moderate weight that will allow you to do so. You may hold the kettlebell however you want.

Aim to keep your V-ups in 2-3 sets. You may substitute single leg V-ups, tuck ups, or sit ups.

Double unders should take no longer than 1:00. You may lower the number of double unders or substitute single unders.