
Romanian Deadlift 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps with 21×1 tempo

*Arm circles next to wall in between sets x 10/side


Stand on plate if necessary to reach a full range of motion on the Romanian Deadlift.

Perform all working set at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range. If you reach the top of the rep range on each working set then go heavier next week.

For the wall circles be sure to avoid rotating the hips or torso to facilitate the movement. Stand as close to the wall as possible without letting your hand touch the wall. Move slowly and try to work deliberately through those sticking points.


5 rounds
12-15 calories
8 burpees over the dumbbell
10 alternating arm dumbbell clean & jerk

14 minute cap


The metcon today is 5 rounds of calories, burpees over the dumbbell, and dumbbell clean & jerks. Your score will be time it takes to complete all 5 rounds or work completed at the 14 minute time cap.

The calories should not take any longer than about 1:00. If this sounds too aggressive, then consider lowering the calories to 10-12.

The burpees over the dumbbell should not take any longer than about 1:00 as well. You may lower the number of burpees to 6-7 or complete 8 regular burpees.

The clean & jerks should be a light-moderate weight. The goal is to stay unbroken across all five rounds.