
Strict press + push press

3 working sets of 1+4-6

Perform 6-8/side seated straddle side bends between sets


Focus on loading the hips and getting a vertical drive in the push press. You do not have to cycle these reps–meaning you can reset on the shoulder after each rep.

Perform all 3 sets at the same weight.

You may elevate the hips if necessary on the straddle side bends. You can also just focus on getting into a good straddle position if the side bends are a little too advanced.


15 push ups
15 V-ups

Rest 1:30

12 KB swings
12 KB box step overs

Rest 1:30



Today’s workout is a series of four minute AMRAPs. You will have 3 separate scores to report.

For the first AMRAP, keep your push ups in 2-3 sets across the 4 minutes. Elevate your hands as necessary to maintain positional integrity. Your V-ups should also be completed in 2-3 sets. You may substitute single leg V-ups or sit ups.

The second AMRAP is kettlebell swings and step overs. Choose a moderate kettlebell weight that allows you to keep your swings unbroken and step overs in 1-2 sets. Choose a box height that will allow you to stay smooth.

Your final AMRAP is calories. You may choose whatever machine you’d like.