3-4 sets:

Floor press x 5-7 @ 21×1 tempo
Eccentric Pull Up x 1-3 with :7-:10 negative
Weighted Straddle Pancake 3-6 reps with :05 descent and :05 pause in bottom


Use the 3 different scores to note your weight on the floor press, your setup and reps for the pull up negative, and your setup and feel on the straddle pancake.

The floor press has all the elements of the bench press, just with a shorter range of motion. Be sure to lower the bar with control to avoid letting the arms crash against the ground. Use the same weight for working sets and aim for the top of the rep range on each set. If you reached the top of the rep range across all sets last week, you may go heavier this week.

For the eccentric pull up you may use whatever grip you want (supinated/pronated) and may switch grips as desired. Choose a variation that allows you have a 7-10 second descent using an even speed throughout the entire ROM. You may spot yourself with a foot on the box if you need to. If you are unable to do this, you may do the same tempo and rep scheme with ring row negatives.

Aim to get 3 reps per set. If you were able to get sets of 3 with :10 descent you may either use less assistance this week, or add weight if you were already doing this unassisted. If you were only able to hold the tempo for 1-2 reps on any of your sets last week, use the same setup and try to get all the way to 3 reps across all sets.

For the weighted straddle pancake, elevate your hips as much as necessary to allow for a neutral spine throughout the movement. Start with a light-moderate weight on your upper back to help assist in the stretch. Take :05 to work into your deepest position, and then spend another :05 in that position on each rep. Gently try to work into deeper positions across these reps and sets. Prioritize increasing range of motion and control rather than weight.


Every :30 for 21 rounds (7 times through)

1: 1-3 muscle ups (or 3-6 chest to bar)
2: 5 box jump overs
3: 8 dumbbell push press


In today’s workout you will do 21 :30 second rounds of muscle ups, box jump overs, and dumbbell push presses. You will complete your movement for the given round and then wait until the next :30 interval starts to begin the next movement. You can make note of your muscle up/pull up variation and reps, along with your weight for the dumbbell push press.

These rounds should take :15 or less. Scale appropriately.

If you don’t have muscle ups you can scale to a pull up variation such as chest to bar pull ups, chin over bar pull ups, challenging ring rows, or jumping chest to bar pull ups. Pick something that you can do 3-6 reps in one quick unbroken set, but that is a little harder than your go-to pull up variation.

Pick a safe height for your box jump over that allows you to move smoothly through the 5 reps without hesitating. Step down from each rep.

Pick a moderate weight for the dumbbells that allows you to go unbroken throughout the entire workout.