
3 sets

A. :20-:30 wall facing handstand scissor kicks OR :35-:45 wall facing hs hold or angled wall hold

B. 4-7 box handstand push up w/ 21×1 tempo


15 min EMOM:

Min 1: 2 shuttle runs + max strict pull up
Min 2: 5 burpee over DB + max DB hang snatch
Min 3: rest

* Shuttle run and burpee increase by 1 reach round


Today’s workout is a 15 minute EMOM. This means a new round starts at the top of each minute. Minute 1 starts with 2 shuttle runs, followed by as many strict pullups as possible in the remaining time. Minute 2 starts with 5 burpees over a dumbbell, followed by as many db hang snatches in the remaining time. Minute 3 is rest. Each round, you will increase the amount of shuttle runs and burpees by 1 rep. Your score is the amount of pullups and hang snatches accumulated across the workout.

You should have at least :15 to work on the AMRAP movements in each round. If at any point you are getting less than that, scale the buy-in movements accordingly.

Strict pull ups can be scaled to ring rows if necessary. Pick a variation that allows you to get sets of 3-5 at a time or more, repeatedly.

The hang dumbbell snatch should be a moderate weight that allows you to hold on for most of, if not all, the rest of the minute.