
A) power clean + front squat : 1+ w/ :03 pause in bottom on last rep of each set
B) bench press: x

rest :90 between movements


3 rounds:

In 2:00
7 dual db push press
7 db front squat
7 line facing burpees
x2 sets

rest 1:00


Today’s workout is 3 intervals of 2 minutes of work, with 1 minute of rest between intervals. During the working intervals you will complete 2 rounds of 7 dual db push press, 7 dumbbell front squat, and 7 line facing burpees. After completing two rounds you will rest for the remainder of the 2 minutes, along with the additional rest minute. Your score is the average time it takes to complete each working interval.

Choose a single set of dumbbells that allows you to complete the push press and front squats unbroken every round, without hesitation picking them up.

Line facing burpees are just like bar facing burpees but you are only jumping over an imaginary line in the floor, or the crack between two of the stall mats. If these start to really slow you down, scale to regular burpees.