
3 sets

A. 6-8 donkey kicks/kick ups to wall + :20-:30 heel pulls on last rep

B. :20-:30 wall facing handstand scissor kicks OR :35-:45 wall facing hs hold or angled wall hold


5 rounds

4-5 shuttle runs
12 toes to bar
8 alternating dumbbell snatch

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of 4-5 shuttle runs, 12 toes to bar, and 8 alternatinng arm dumbbell snatches. Your score is the time it takes to complete or the amount of rounds and reps completed in 10 minutes.

The shuttle runs should take no more than :40. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The toes to bar should be completed in 1-2 quick sets. Scale to knee raises or straight leg raises if necessary.

The dumbbell snatch should be heavy. It should still be unbroken, but challenge yourself with the weight.