
A) power clean + front squat : 1+
B) bench press: x

rest :90 between movements



min 1- 20-30 double unders, 20 situps
min 2- :30 max burpees


Today’s workout is an 8 minute EMOM. You will start a new round every minute for 8 rounds. Once you finish the work for a given minute, rest until the next minute begins. The odd minutes are 20-30 double unders and 20 abmat sit ups. The even minutes are :30 of max burpees. Your score is the total amount of burpees completed.

The dubs should be completed in 20 seconds or less. Substitute single unders or reduce the amount if necessary.

The situps should be done in one single set. If you can’t do this or if it takes longer than the minute, reduce the reps.