Split Jerk
In 9 min: Build to. a tough single, not a PR ( no more than 1 fail) (RPE 9)
–rest 1 minute–
Every 2:30 x 3 sets
2 Split Jerks @ 85% of heavy single
3 Rounds:
12 Strict Handstand push-ups/hand release push ups
20-24 Calorie Machine
48 Double unders
Cap: 10 min Cap
If performing Handstand push-ups, pick an amount you get done in 3 sets every round, and take less than 1:30 each round. Hand-release push-ups should be steady singles. Pike push ups, and Z-presses are also options along with elevated push ups.
The machine calls should also take about 90 seconds.
Double under should be an amount that you can do consistently and take no more than 30-45 seconds.