
1. Build to RPE 8-9 for a single on the split jerk in 9 minutes

–rest 1 minute —

2. Every 2:00 x 4 sets
3 reps at 80% of your top weight


10-Min AMRAP:

1-2-3-4… Clean & Jerks
2-4-6-8… Toes-to-Bar


Score is the total amount of reps. goal would be to finish the round of 6 or more. The Clean and Jerks should be a moderately heavy weight, where you are probably doing singles for every rep. The toes to the bar should be one in big sets from 1-5, but maybe breaking the 6 and 8 to be strategic.

The Toes to bar can become toes to air, or V-ups (v-ups or sit ups would be 3-6-9-12…)