
Take 10:00 to build a heavy set of 5

then drop to 50% of heavy and do 2 AMRAP sets with 3:00 in between sets


For Time:
8-10 Shuttle Runs (20 feet down and back)
75 empty bar push press
50 Russian kettlebell swings
25 box jumps

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is for time. Your score in SugarWOD will be the time it takes to complete the chipper, with a 10 min time cap.

The 10 shuttle runs should be about a minute of work, note they are shorter then normal, 20 feet down, 20 feedback =1

The 75 empty bar push presses can be broken up, this should be a burning feeling, Dumbbells can also be subbed if needed.

The Russian KBs should also be broken up, but should be in bigger sets, larger than 10.

The box jumps should be steady singles, noting that for the box jump, you will stand up all the way before stepping back down.