
3 rounds:

A. 4-6 Kip levers + 2-3 Box Bar Muscle up/ Bar Box Jumps or Bar Muscle ups
B. 4-6 chest to bar pull ups or ring rows (leave 2 reps in tank)



min 1- :30 strict HSPU/box pike/ Z press
min 2- 50ft BW walking lunge
min 3- 12-15 calories


Today’s Workout is a 15 minute EMOM primarily to improve upon pressing strength.

Minute 1 will be 30 seconds of work. You can choose to work on strict handstand pushups, strict wall facing handstand push ups, box pike hspu, or Z Press. The goal should be to accumulate 30 seconds of good looking reps.

Minute 2 will be a 50 foot bodyweight walking lunge, this should be done in about 30 seconds

Minute 3 will be 12-15 calories, with the goal of getting done in about 45 seconds.