Strength & Mobility

3 rounds

alternating arm dumbbell bench press x 8-10/side (start at top)
diagonal stretch x 10+:10/side
hanging L-sit :15-30



15-20 calorie row
12 push ups
16 renegade rows


Today’s workout is a 12 minute AMRAP of 15-20 calories on the rower, 12 push ups, and 16 renegade rows. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 12 minutes.

The row shouldn’t take much more than a minute each round. Reduce the target amount of calories if necessary.

The pushups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Elevate the hands if necessary.

Use a light-moderate weight for the renegade rows. Each rep is a single row from the pushup plank position, so 16 reps = 8/side. You should be able to get the 16 reps done in 1-2 sets per round.