
A. power clean + front squat : Every 5 mins including min zero, hit 1 clean + 3 front squats at 70% of 1rm clean

B. bench press: find a heavy double in 15 mins


For Time:

40 wall balls
40 American kettlebell swings
40 box jump overs
40 wall balls

11 min cap


Todays workout is a chipper of 40 wall balls, 40 American kettlebell swings, 40 box jump overs, and another 40 wall balls. Your score is the time it takes to complete, or the amount of work completed if you don’t finish before the 11 minute cap.

The wall balls should be completed in no more than 3 sets per 40. Choose an appropriate weight.

The kettlebell swings should be completed in 2 sets.

Choose a safe height on the box jump over that allows for smooth and continuous movement without fear of failure or hesitation.