
A) power clean + front squat : 1+ w/ :03 pause in bottom on last rep
B) bench press: x

rest :90 between movements


AMRAP 3:00 x 2 rounds
10 American kb swing
8-10 calories
10 wall balls
rest 1:00


Today’s workout is two 3-minute AMRAPS, separated by 1 minute of rest. During the 3 minute intervals you will get as many rounds and reps as possible of 10 American kettlebell swings, 8-10 calories, and 10 wall balls. Your score is the worst of the two rounds.

The kettlebell swings should be a moderate weight that allows you to get the 10 reps unbroken each round without hesitating to pick the kettlebell up. Scale to the Solidarity standard of getting the bell above the eyeline if you are unable to go all the way overhead.

The calories should be done in about :30 or less each round. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The wall balls, like the swings, should be a moderate weight that allows you to go unbroken throughout without hesitating to pick the ball or or to move onto the next round after finishing.