Strength & Mobility

Overhead Squat:

Find a heavyish set of 5 @ 21×1 without missing any reps

then do 2-3 sets/side of 6-8 feet elevated split squats at 30×0 tempo with :60 rest between sets


400-500m row
25 dumbbell box stepovers
20 burpees over the rower
400-500m row
25 double db hang clean and jerks
20 squat jumps

12 minute cap


Today’s workout is a 400-500m row, 25 db box stepovers, 20 burpees over the rower, another 400-500m row, and then 25 double db hang clean and jerks and 20 squat jumps. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the reps. You have 12 minutes.

The row should be completed in about 2 minutes.

Use the same set of dumbbells for the stepovers and clean & jerks. They should each be completed in about 3 sets.

Try to find a consistent pace on the burpees. You can step over the rower if you are uncomfortable jumping, or scale to regular burpees.

Try to do the squat jumps in 1-2 sets.