Strength & Mobility

working sets of 12, 9, 6

Pause for at least :01 at the top of each rep

in between sets work on your dragon flag progression (see notes for details)


3 rounds

24-30 cal row
5, 4, 3 wall walks
20 renegade rows
3, 4, 5 muscle ups

12 minute cap


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of 24-30 calories, a set of wall walks, 20 renegade rows, and then a set of muscle ups. The wall walks start with 5 reps in round 1, and then decrease by 1 rep in each successive round. The muscle ups do the opposite, starting with 3 reps and then progressing to 4 and finally 5 reps. Your score is the amount of time to complete the workout. You have 12 minutes to finish.

The calories should be done in :90 or less. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The wall walks should be completed at a pace of 5 per minute. If you are much slower than this, do 4, 3, 2 reps instead. Adjust the range of motion as necessary.

The renegade rows should be completed in 1-2 sets per round. 1 rep = 1 row. So 20 reps is 10 per side.

If you cannot do muscle ups, do 2-3x the amount of reps of chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, or jumping chest to bar pull ups.