Strength & Mobility

working sets of 15, 12, 9

Pause for at least :01 at the top of each rep

in between sets work on your dragon flag progression


4 rounds

In 2 minutes:
8 single arm devil press
100 ft farmer carry
AMRAP pushups in remaining time

rest 1 minute between rounds


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 2 minutes of work and 1 minute of rest. Each round will consist of 8 single arm devil presses, a 100ft farmer carry, and then as many pushups as possible in the time remaining. Your score is the total mount of pushups completed across the workout.

Use a moderate weight dumbbell for the devil press. You should move smoothly through the 8 reps without stopping. If 8 reps takes you more than a minute, consider a lighter dumbbell or decreasing by a rep or 2.

The farmer carry should be unbroken. Use a heavy set of kettlebells and try to walk quickly.

You should have at least 30 seconds for pushups and should be able to get sets of at least 8 at a time with short breaks in between. Elevate the hands as necessary.