
Teams of 2, OPWAAT

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 sandbag cleans

200ft sandbag carry

4 wall walks

12 toes to bar


Today’s workout will be done with a partner. You will start with 1 sandbag clean, a 200ft sandbag carry, 4 wall walks, and 12 toes to bar. The next round you will perform 2 sandbag cleans, a 200ft sandbag carry, 4 wall walks, and 12 ttb. You will continue in this fashion, adding 1 sandbag clean rep each round, until you have completed the round of 10 sandbag cleans + the rest of the work. Only one person will be working at a time throughout the entire workout. You may partition the reps however you would like. Your score is the amount of time it takes to complete the workout. If you don’t finish before the 30 minute cap then you can record how much you had remaining.

Your sandbag weight should allow you to split the 200ft carry into 50-100ft segments, alternating with your partner. Try to split the sandbag cleans relatively evenly with your workout across the workout. One partner may do more on a given round, but each partner should do roughly 50% of the total number of sandbag cleans (55 total reps).

For the wall walks and toes to bar, you can have one partner do all the reps of a given movement one round, and the other partner do the other movement, switching movements each round. You can also simply split the reps in half each round.

The wall walks should take no more than a minute per round. Reduce the range of motion as necessary.

The toes to bar should take no more than 2-3 quick sets each round. Choose an appropriate variation that you can stick with for the whole workout.