Bring a Friend Day

Teams of 4, AMRAP 20:00

200m run together
10 synchro pushup relay (TPWAAT)
5 synchro highfive burpees
10 toes to bar relay


Welcome friends! Today you will be working in teams of 4 on a 20 minute AMRAP of a 200m run as a team, 10 synchronized pushup relay with two people working at a time, 5 synchronized highfive burpees, and a 10 toes to bar relay. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed across the 20 minutes.

The 200m run shouldn’t take much more than :75. Reduce the distance if necessary. Unless a partner is scaling, stick together with your teammates. The pushups cannot start until everyone is in from the run.

For the pushups, two people will be doing synchronized pushups while the other two partners rest. After the first two finish their 10 reps, they will rest while the second pair does their pushups. Elevate your hands if necessary to allow the 10 reps to be completed in 1-2 quick sets.

Make sure your team is on the ground together and in the air together during the highfive of the burpees.

For the toes to bar, this will be pure relay style. That means partner 1 will do 10 toes to bar while the other teammates rest. Once partner 1 finishes 10 reps, partner 2 will go. You will continue in this fashion until each teammate has completed 10 reps. These should be done in 1-2 quick sets. Substitute hanging knee raises, v-ups, or tuck ups if necessary.