
teams of 3, 5 rounds for time

10 deadlift relay
10 synchro pushups
30 pull ups* (OPWAAT)
200m run together
rest :90 after each round

30 minute time cap

*1 muscle up = 2.5 pull ups, round down for non whole numbers.


Today’s workout will be completed in teams of 3 and will consist of 5 rounds of 10 deadlifts, 10 synchronized pushups, 30 pull ups, and a 200m run. Teams will rest for :90 between rounds. Your score is the time it takes to complete all 5 rounds, including the rest.

A relay means partner 1 will do a set of 10 deadlifts, then partner 2 will do a set of 10 deadlifts, then partner 3 will do a set of 10 deadlifts. This should be done with a moderate weight and should be unbroken each round.

Pushups will be synchronized, with all 3 teammates reaching lockout at the same time. The 10 reps should be completed in 1 or 2 quick sets. Elevate the hands as necessary.

The pullups will be completed with one person working at a time (OPWAAT). These should be done in sets of 5-10 at a time. Acceptable substitutions include ring rows and jumping pull ups. Also, if any teammate is able to do muscle ups (bar or ring), these reps will count at 2.5 pullups, rounding down if ending on a non-integer. So:
1 muscle up = 2 pull ups
2 muscle ups = 5 pull ups
3 muscle up = 7 pull ups
4 muscle ups = 10 pull ups

The run will be done as a team and should take about 1 minute or less. Reduce the distance if necessary.