
Teams of 4, AMRAP 25:00

Partner 1: 400m run

Remaining partners, two people working at a time(TPWAAT), AMRAP:
Sandbag cleans


Today’s workout is a 25 minute AMRAP to be completed in teams of 4. One team member will do a 400m run, while the remaining team members accumulate calories on a single machine and sandbag cleans. One partner will be resting at all times, switching out as necessary. Your score is the amount of calories and sandbag cleans completed across the workout.

This workout is a lesson in pacing, as there is not a ton of rest built in. You will want to hold a sustainable pace on the calories and sandbag cleans to ensure you do not crash before the 25 minute time cap.

The run should be completed in about 2 minutes or less. If you cannot hold this pace, reduce the distance as necessary to be back inside in about 2 minutes.

For the TPWAAT work, consider rotating through movements/rest after a given amount of calories/cleans, or a given amount of time.