Teams of 3
** 200m team run after each round
21 Synchro Barbell Thrusters
One Athlete performs each
8 PU – 7 C2B – 6 BMU
15 Synchro Power Snatch
One Athlete performs each
6 PU – 5 C2B – 4 BMU
9 Synchro Power Clean
One Athlete performs each
4 PU – 3 C2B – 2 BMU
6 Deadlift
One Athlete performs each
3 PU – 2 C2B – 1 BMU
Cap: 20 min
Begin by performing 21 synchro thrusters. This should be a weight that you can either do all unbroken or most likely two sets. From there, send one athlete to perform 8 pull-ups, another to perform 7 chest-to-bar push-ups, and another to perform 6 bar muscle-ups.
A scale for the pulling can be: 15 Jumping Pullups, 12 Ring Rows, 9 Banded Strict Chest to bar or pullups.
This would follow, 12,9,6 and then 9,6,3 and 6,4,2.
You will then perform a 200m team run.
The barbell will progressively increase with weight, with the deadlift being the heaviest. The power snatches and power cleans should be a weight that is strategically broken into smaller sets, or even singles if needed.
The deadlift will be heavy, but fight for 1-2 sets.