
teams of 4

AMRAP 12 (1 pair working at a time, alternating full rounds)
12-15 calories
50 double unders
15 pull ups

rest 2 mins

for time, 11 minute cap:
60 calories OPWAAT
30 synchro highfive burpees
60 synchro toes to bar (one pair working at a time)


Today’s workout will be completed in teams of 4 and will consist of a 12 minute AMRAP, followed by 2 minutes of rest, and then a chipper with an 11 minute time cap. Your scores are the amount of rounds and reps completed in part 1, as well as the time it takes to complete the chipper.

The AMRAP will consist of 15 calories, 50 double unders, and 15 pull ups. One pair will work through a round, with one person working at a time, and pairs will alternate full rounds. You can split the reps up however you want, but the calories should take no more than :45, the double unders no more than :40. and the pull ups no more than 2 sets.

The chipper will consist of 60 calories, 30 synchronized burpees, and 60 synchronized toes to bar.

One person will be working at a time on the calories. Switch partners as often as necessary to maintain a high intensity and avoid slowing down.

Find a consistent pace on the burpees and synch them up by being on the ground together and highfiving in the air at the top.

For the toes to bar, one pair will be working at a time, so in theory each person will do 30 reps–as pairs will be synchronized. choose a variation that allows you to get sets of at least 6 reps at a time.