
Teams of 3 or 4

Cash in:
24 rope climbs OPWAAT

3 rounds waterfall style except the burpees
15 overhead squats
19 toes to bar
22 synchro high five burpees

Cash out:
1.5 mile run as a team


Today’s workout is in honor of Coach Noelle, who is leaving Solidarity to move to San Antonio, Texas. Noelle joined Solidarity in 2019, began coaching in 2022, and is leaving in 2024. This explains the numbers 19, 22, and 24 in the rep scheme. Noelle is an absolute legend at Solidarity and will truly be missed.

Teams of 3 or 4 people will begin with a 24 rope climb cash-in. They will then do 3 rounds of 15 OHS, 19 TTB, and 22 synchro high-5 burpees. The OHS and TTB will be completed waterfall style. The workout will end with a 1.5 mile run as a team.

Switch every rep with your teammates on the rope climb. Scale to climbing halfway up the rope, hanging knee raises, or rope lowers if you are not proficient with the foot lock or confident on the rope.

The overhead squat should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. The toes to bar should be completed in 2-3 sets each round. Scale to knee raises, straight leg raises, or v-ups.

Teams must be high-fiving each other while in the air together to synchronize the burpee.

Aim to hold at least a 9 minute mile pace on the run. If this sounds unrealistic, consider scaling to a mile or less.