
WAP, Alternating full rounds until each partner has completed 7 rounds

8-10 calories
10 box jumpovers
2 wall walks
2 muscle ups or 4 chest to bar pull ups

30 minute cap


Today’s workout will be completed with a partner. You will alernate full founds of 8-10 calories, 10 box jumpovers, 2 wall walks, and 2 muscle ups or 4 chest to bar pull ups. Your score is the time it takes both partners to complete 7 rounds each.

The calories should take :30 or less. Reduce the amount if it will take significantly longer than that.

Use a safe height for the box jumpover that you can move smoothly through without hesitation or risk of failure.

The wall walks should be completed in under :30. Adjust the range of motion if necessary.

If you cannot do muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups, do jumping chest to bar pull ups or regular pull ups.