
With a Partner

1 mile run cash in (together)
5 rounds OPWAAT
10 sand bag cleans to shoulder
20 push ups
32-40 calories

30 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done with a partner. You will start by running one mile together. Upon returning you will complete 5 rounds of 10 sandbag cleans, 20 pushups, and 32-40 calories. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work, or the amount completed in 30 minutes if you do not finish before the cap.

If the mile run is likely to take you more than 9 minutes, consider reducing the distance. Both teammates must finish the run before the 5 rounds can start.

Use a heavy weight for the sandbag cleans. The 10 reps shouldn’t take much more than a minute. Swap with your partner as necessary.

The pushups should be completed in sets of 5-10 at a time. Elevate your hands as necessary to complete these reps with a full range of motion.

The calories shouldn’t take more than about 2 minutes per round. Reduce the target amount if necessary.