

20-24 calories
16 v-ups
12 db box step ups
8 rope lowers
2,4,6,8…wall walks


Today’s workout is a 25 minute AMRAP, to be performed with a partner. The first round round will consist of 20-24 calories, 16 v-ups, 12 dumbbell box step ups, 8 rope lowers, and 2 wall walks. You will continue in this fashion for 25 minutes, but you will add an additional 2 wall walks on each successive round. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 25 minutes.

Everything will be done OPWAAT style. Switch with your partner as often as necessary to maintain a high intensity and quick pace.

The calories shouldn’t take more than 1:20. Reduce the range if necessary.

V-ups can be scaled to single leg v-ups, tuck-ups, single leg tuck-ups, or sit-ups.

The step ups should be a moderate-heavy weight that allows each partner to perform 6 reps unbroken each round.

Switch every 2-4 reps on the [rope lower](

The wall walks should be done in sets of 1-3 before switching with your partner. Reduce the range of motion as necessary.