
With a partner, AMRAP 30

200m run together
3 wall walk relay
30 synchro jumping air squats
20 sandbag cleans opwaat

rest 2 minutes after each round


Today’s workout will be a 30 minute AMRAP performed with a partner. Your team will do as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of a 200m run, a 3 wall walk relay, 30 synchronized jumping air squats, and 20 sandbag cleans. You will rest for 2 minutes after each round.

The run shouldn’t take longer than about a minute. Reduce the distance as necessary.

The wall walk relay means partner 1 will perform 3 wall walks, then partner 2 will perform 3 wall walks. This shouldn’t take much more than a minute total. Reduce the range of motion or reps as necessary to keep it to about one minute per round.

Synchronized jumping air squats means you must be in the air together at the top of each rep. Be sure to also hit full squat depth each rep. Try to knock these out in just 1 or maybe 2 sets per round.

Your sandbag cleans will be performed OPWAAT style. Pick a light-moderate weight that allows your team to perform these reps without much hesitation. The 20 reps should be completed in less than 2 minutes. Keep these sets small; between 1-5 reps before switching with your partner.